Selling your sneakers can be remarkably time consuming and equally frustrating. You have items you want to move, but you don't have the time to take detailed pictures for online auctions or classified websites. You don't want to manage and operate your own web store, or engage in back-and-forth price negotiations that go nowhere. And you don't really have the patience for collecting packing slips and boxes to carry product out to mail carriers.
We will do all of that for you here. Bimstore supports your entrepreneurial endeavors. When you consign with us, we store, sell and ship your items for you. All you have to do is get it to us and we will handle the rest entirely.
We offer low consignment fees and immediate payout to our consignors whenever they get their items sold. We shoot detailed images of your items and store them safely. All items being consigned with us are displayed in our store and are posted through our website and social media accounts to get maximum exposure.
Consigning with us is the simplest way to move your brand new and pre-owned items, and be paid for it without actively participating in the selling process. We create a better marketplace for sellers especially to those who only sell online.
You're welcome to visit us during store hours in our retail. There is a limit of 10 pairs (15 non-sneakers) for walk-in consignment customers. Consignors who wish to sell more than 10 items should contact us or email us first at to schedule an appointment to drop off their goods.
Fill-up completely the in-store consignment form located to initiate the process. The consignee and our team will agree on the selling prices before we put the items up for sale. Agreed selling prices will not be changed unless advised by the Consignor.
Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our meticulous attention to the condition and authenticity of every item we offer for sale. To uphold these standards, we request a store visit, providing our team of dedicated experts the opportunity to conduct thorough inspections of each item.
Following successful authentication, your items will be endorsed for consignment and seamlessly integrated into our shop inventory, website listings, and across our dynamic social media channels. When your sneakers sell, your payment will be processed and disbursed within a swift 7-14 days of the sale.